Multi-disciplinary wellness center offering Chiropractic, Physical Therapy, alternative therapies, supplements, and more.
F. 302-478-1442
Providing Everything You Need
Physical Therapy
Restores range of motion and strength to the body through rehabilitative exercise, stretching, and additional therapies. PT is a critical component of the healing process. This service is beneficial to many patients with diminished physical capacity due to diagnosis, injury, age, and other circumstances.

Alternative therapies
Alternative therapies are designed to supplement your care to facilitate healing. These are often referred to as modalities. They can be used on their own for their wellness benefits, part of a maintenance treatment, or to treat acute symptoms. Depending on the modality, they work by reducing swelling and muscle spasm, increasing blood flow, and to alleviate aggravated symptoms.
General Wellness
We encourage patients to make healthful lifestyle choices. Diseases and disorders are looked at from a holistic perspective where the whole person is considered. We provide health/nutrition consultations, supplements, assessments, and more.